Photo: Scandinav bildbyrå


Welcome to contact us during our opening hours.


Switchboard: +46 13 20 18 00
Laboratory, environmental tests: +46 13 20 18 76
Laboratory, geotechnical tests: +46 13 20 18 22



E-mail to our staff is built according to the principle:

Postal address:
Swedish Geotechnical Institute
SE-581 93 Linköping

Postal addresses to our regional offices

Opening hours

Monday-Thursday 08.30-15.30
Friday 08.30-12.00

Applies to the reception and switchboard in Linköping and our library, laboratory and archive services. In connection to and during holidays, we may have different opening hours.

Visit us

Visiting addresses to our offices in Linköping, Malmö, Göteborg and Stockholm.

Invoice address

Statens geotekniska institut
SE-838 73 FRÖSÖN

VAT number: SE202100071201
Bank giro: 5211-0053

Page was updated 2023-04-26
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