Research platforms

We participate in a number of research platforms, where we cooperate with universities and university colleges, public and private funding organisations and end-users.


Branschsamverkan I Grunden

BIG is a industrial programme that was started in 2013. Within the programme, the Swedish Transport Administration, Chalmers University of Technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Luleå University of Technology and SGI have jointly initiated a large number of research projects with focus on Geotechnical engineering for roads and railways. The intention is that through systematic development work bring about a long term reduction in costs for construction and maintenance of road and railway infrastructure.

More information on website:

Contact: Yvonne Rogbeck


A national platform for technological development and research within contaminated sites

The Tuffo programme aims to produce new knowledge that will contribute to an increased pace in the remediation of contaminated sites in Sweden, and enable the fulfilment of the environmental quality objective "a non-toxic environment". The initiative also aims to strengthen Swedish research and increase collaboration between academia, industry and society. The intention is to fund 3–4 research projects for up to three years in each call. The calls will include technical issues as well as natural and social sciences topics and it is a requirement that the projects are transdisciplinary. Co-funding with industry or other stakeholders (for example municipalities and public authorities) should be sought where this is relevant and appropriate.

The first call was for SEK 21 million, distributed during 2014-2016. It was financed by the Swedish Research Council Formas and funded three research projects (APPLICERA, SAFIRE and TREASURE), which started in 2015. As from 2016 the calls are presented by SGI. The call 2016 funded two projects which started in 2017: "Pilot-scale implementation of permeable barriers as an environmental and cost-effective remedial strategy" and "In-situ remediation of PFASs based on sorption methods (StopPFAS)".

More information on our website

Contact: Carolina Ersson


European Large Geotechnical Institutes Platform

ELGIP is a European collaboration between Geotechnical Institutes from Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Poland, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the UK. The aim is to raise awareness in society concerning the importance geotechnical engineering and strengthen geotechnical research.

More information on Elgip's website .

Contact: Yvonne Rogbeck


European Construction Technology Platform

The aim of the European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP) is to raise the sector to a higher level of performance and competitiveness. This is achieved by analysing the major challenges that the sector faces in terms of society, sustainability and technological development. Research and innovation strategies are developed to meet these challenges. ECTP has several focus areas, for example: Energy Efficient Buildings Association (E2BA), Infrastructure (reFINE), Materials and Cultural heritage.

More information on website:

Contact: Hjördis Löfroth


The Nordic Centre of Excellence on Resilience and Societal Security

SGI is e a member of a Nordic consortium that has received funding (2015-2019) to form a centre of excellence, NORDRESS. The objective of the centre is to create an interdisciplinary platform to exchange knowledge and ideas between the most prominent researchers and experts in natural disasters in the Nordic Region.

More information on website:

Page was updated 2018-05-03
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